Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Grace of Giving

Our sermon on this past Sunday keeps sticking with me and so I feel the need to share how Dr. Shelton Sanford's message impacted me! *Note this wasn't an easy sermon to preach but Shelton did it in a way that really showed me how to give to God what I have always known isn't mine to begin with.*

So as most of you know Ben and I have not had a steady stream of income going on a year this August.  I know that before Ben lost his full time status I worried a lot about money.  Believe it or not but now thinking back we had a very comfortable life.  In a way maybe too comfortable.  (I'll explain that statement.)

It's silly to think back to a year ago because I honestly had no real reason to worry.  Since Ben's status went from full time to "random" time and I haven't had anything full time since May I have had a lot more reason to worry...yet I haven't worried near as much as before.  Now hear me say I do have moments of worry about money but it is different. The reason I said before that I was too comfortable when we had a steady income is because I knew how much to expect and knew when to expect it...I was never at peace with it.  I didn't have to trust in God to help pay bills or trust in Him to know when the money would come because I knew and it became a comfort that I worried about.  I know that sounds contradicting because how can someone have comfort about something and yet still worry? 
Thinking back I realize that I was finding my comfort in Ben's job and not in Jesus.  There is so much more I can say about this but overall my point is I didn't rely on Christ to give me His peace about our finical situation before Ben's job was decreased because I trusted in the world (his job) to provide my peace.

Now what does all this have to do with this past Sunday you may ask...well Shelton read from 2 Corinthians 8:1-9 and how the brothers among the churches of Macedonian, even though they were suffering great affliction and living in deep poverty they still gave according to their means and they gave beyond  their means.  Now that is my interpretation of verses 1-5 and I encourage you to read these passages for yourself so you know exactly what the word of God says but as a result of that God's grace produced an abundance of JOY and through the grace of God, He created a spirit of generosity in these people.  That is how I believe they were able to give according to their ability or tithe but also give beyond their ability or faith promise. (vs.1-5)  Tithing is giving 10% of what is rightfully Gods back to God to show appreciation for what He has provided for us and a side note about Ben and I..when Ben had his full time job we had a hard time tithing.  Not that we didn't want to but we waited until everything was paid before we tithed and sometimes that meant we didn't have anything for our tithe.  Also noting the part that says the people of the church gave beyond their means while Ben's job was stable since we had a hard time tithing going beyond was even harder and frankly we didn't do it correctly.

Here is what we have learned:
1.  Now that we have very little we always make sure to take out our tithe first before anything else this way we know we are giving God all the glory for the money we do have.  For us sometimes doing this means we have to have trust in God because this makes paying bills tight.  However since we have been doing this God has met all of our needs!
2.  We have to give on our own accord without feeling coerced and keep a cheerful heart about giving even when it is challenging (2 Corinthians 9:7)
3.  When it comes to our faith promise we have to trust fully in GOD and know that God provides us with more (through unexpected/creative ways etc.)  we have made a promise and must follow our promise to give it all to Him.  This is how I am learning to let go of my worries about money and truly say I haven't been near as worried as before when money was consistent.
"How much does God want me to trust Him to provide through me so I can give?" - Shelton

Where can I find this grace in giving??
1. God is the source of grace!
2. Evidences of grace is through the joy and generosity mentioned in (v. 3)
3. #1 example of grace is Jesus Christ (v. 9)
"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you by His poverty might become rich" (v.9)

Overall my worries are few (which feels so weird and yet so nice) and my trust in the Lord has increased!  This is something I work on daily but again felt the need to share!  I hope this post can give each of you a better understanding of peace that can only be found in Christ! :)


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